Hahaha.....Haven been slacking at home for 3 days in a row...doing nothing but crying over korean drama dvds..I think i'm gaining kilograms every minute slacking like a big fat potato..
Well...i just resigned from tat jap restaurant which i had been stucked to for 4 -5 yearS?? CHEERIOS....was such a great relief tat i din have to worry for my late nights out when it's my turn for morning shift..WAS REALLY FEELING a 100kgs burden off my more stock orderings..nasty customers..stupid questions to answer...haha..
eg. of a very stupid qns
Customer: (POINTING TO A BOWL OF NOODLES IN SOUP FROM THE MENU) Has this got rice in it?? It's a DON rite??
Me: Sorry sir, it's actually noodles sir, It's actually referred as UDON...u can choose soba which is a thinner version of the fat white udon for your preference.
Customer: Oh...can you show me where's your rice section?? Ur menus are all over the places and why isn;'t there any english words for us singaporeans to's singapore here you know....(Here, he's trying to show off to his guest how knowlegable he is..)
Me: I understand that sir..(ME turning the menu to the riceS section) Here are all the different choices of rice we have, and for your recommendations, I'll feed back to the management about inserting more english into the menu 'cos my boss is actually a pure japanese.....thank you very much for the feedback and i'll come back in a few minutes' time when u're ready for ya order?? (Smiling and walking away...)
Haha...sucky me right?? Well...I learnt how to act gracious and professional when even my heart is bursting into anguish flames..Yes, In simple terms, I'm very fake~ haha..I know..that's during my worktime..
My best memorable experience with one japanese couple...they actually treat me like their grand-daughter..using a napkin wrapped 100bucks and gave me as an ANG Bao..which I put it into the tipBoX..So Bloody silly me rite??? return, i gave them 2 oranges when they came back add...they had only been to the restaurant for 3 nights straight....the Angbao was given to me second night..(First day of CNY) service also not that bad rite? I really missed that old couple...think they went to back to japan already...Hope god blesses them.....
Okay..back to BLeaCH cartoons....anyone me out k?? I'm FREEEeeee...