
Finally submitted the group project => I LOVE MY GROUp, and Learning Journal...

Official HRian as of 1st April's fool okay.. Wish me best of lucK!

Moving forward, I am having very tight schedules once again. I hope I can go home early on the dot, I hope I will not burn midnight oil this time, I'm still thinking whether to take half day to study for exams..which is most likely I will..

I'm seriously tired and I can't really think anymore..I shall look forward to 19th April for my short weekend trip..I seriously hope I can survive still then...

alrighty..back to my dreamland that I've been neglecting since eons.


It's time to wake up.......

1 X Learning Journal
1 X Group Assignment...usual problems, need to allocate extra time n energy for the EXtras..POSITIVE THINKING...

Deadline: 31 March.
EXAMS: 5 April

LJ, Main assignment (Individual...phew) and EXAMS..

X_X Crossed eyes

Rainy days are days to laze

It's been freezing cold this week..feeling to lazy and sleepy
I wanna snuggle into my blankets, wearing long sleaves 100% cotton pyjamas, holding on to a cup of hot instant miso soup in one hand, with the TV remote control in the other..watching my favourite JP, HK and KR drama series...preferably alone because then I can cry and laugh at ease..

I wanna stay at home all day and eat hot, spicy & soupy stuff..maybe CHIgae steamboat..feel like eating maggi mee, duck porridge...I wanna eat and sleep like nobody's business..


K, back to MC's killing me....yucks!