Surviving =)

Phew..finally can breath after I've submitted HRM Main Assignment..

HRM Exams - 12 JAn

EPGE Main Assignment - 18 Jan

EPGE Exams - 26 JAn.

I will survive! This time i shall start on my EPGE earlier to prevent last minute was very tiring mentally and physically..Get everything done and I can look forward to a HAPPY CNY...Yes, Positive Thinking!! I shall survive@_@

WAtched National Treasures with Fatty last night, it was awesome..definitely a must watch movie!! Everything in the show seemed so fascinating, one thing leads to another important clue...LOVe iT!!

=) HAppy New Year In Advance...

4 years anniversary with Fatty on 2 Jan!


I feel so useless...Sicko and idiotic!

Can't even accomplish a simple task....

And my assignments that I have been dragging for weeks!

And the deadline is almost here...exactly ten days and I haven even started on it!

I'm so disappointed in myself...

WAKE UP from the holiday mood..



Dead bad

Yesterday, I rushed home from work, ate my dinner, showered and started my Econ assignment which was due TODAY!!

From 9:15pm till 1am..I was practically cracking my brain cells to produce a proper econs paper of 700 words. Until that point in time when i really couldn't take it anymore, i went off to bed..
The feeling of being able to sleep after a long day of shits and hardwork is so great. I'm really really exhausted, should buck up and do my assignments earlier to prevent last minute hardship.

So damn tired today, and I dread the lecture which will end later then the projected hours...Oh my..I WILL SURVIVE!!!

My brain seems always function better when burning midnight oil. =)

God bless..Ahem

Inspirations...where are you?

Been working very hard on my pre-course assignment last few days. I din't know that it is so difficult to put my thoughts into a nice flowing essay of purely 500 words! I have all the answers in my brain and I know how to use and apply's just that how do I answer to the question. The phrasing of the question is so tricky and you tend to get off-track...

It's not that difficult I always tell myself, but I kept getting stucked and brain dead...Must really buck up and jia you!! This is the route I've chosen and I must put my best into it!!

Now then I understand what that lecturer meant when he says application not definition...i must really get back to my study moods. Jan 2008 will be the main examinations..i can do it!!!

Been watching Romantic Princess by Angela Chang and Wu Zhun...Damn romantic! A very very matching couple indeed~~ Wu zhun is sooo man~~~ Weeeee u Weee.

BACK TO StudY!! Go go jiayou!!

Rats and Batminton

My whole body is aching like mad..

On Thursday 8 Nov - PH Deepavali, Fatty finally bought his PSP slim (it's blue and chio) - played Ratoutille..very addictive. Always got minor headaches after about 20mins of playing..imagine a rat running here and there..!!!!

Psycho-ed fatty to buy a batminton racket because the one extra we had has a super lousy grip. He bought a CArbonex 7000 ($39.90)..but mine is carbonex 8400..hahaha, still better than his.

Bought also the grip ribbon (Bright yellow) for the lousy (Green) racket..actually becomes very powerful after the make-over..heE~

First day only 2 of us played. Damn shioK!! but i felt that we were better than on the 2nd day..more on Form. Love the feeling of perspiring, feel slimer and healthier!!
=) I invited his sis to the game also. Yes, me and her VS Fatty..haha.
Can see that she had fun too..

more batminton sessions coming up!! Aching arms and pi-gu!!!!!!

Yeah yeaH!!

Ladies please be alert!!

Saw it on Friendster..

(好殘忍 . 為了一時的快感而害了女生一輩子 .真過份 !比畜牲還不如 ..那些人一定會下地獄的)

各位您好:尤其是女士們 ,請警覺這個主題及小心保護妳自己。對於老是往舞會 (PUB)裡 鑽的女士們,請小心 ...,當妳飲用由男生 (陌生人 or女生 )提 供的飲料時,請多警覺及多留心 。

各位好男人,請好心地轉 送這個訊息給你的女士朋友們。有一種新的藥品在那種地方被使 用了不到一年了。一種 黃體激素製劑 (Progesterex) 這種藥基本上是一種 避孕藥丸 ,這個藥現在被強暴加害者在舞會上用在強姦受害者以及 使受害者避孕 。一位朋友的母親在藥局工 作,而她說這 個藥只由 獸醫開 立在使 大型動物避孕 之 用,但我聽到這個藥被與Rohyp nol(roofies) 一 起當作約會強姦藥 來 使用。

因為 Rohypnol的關 係,強姦加害者們只要將它放入她們 的飲料中, 被下藥的女孩在第二天早上 不會記得前一晚所發生的事情 。現在 Rohypnol不 單單被使用著。Progesterex 在飲料中容易溶解 ,而且與 Rohypnol一 起使用,所以強姦者不必擔憂幾個月 後 ,警檢單位以 父源關係 [ 胎兒 ] 來 認定強姦加害者。但是這 藥的影響並 不是暫時性的 。Proges terex 設 計給馬避孕用的 ,任何女士吃了這個藥將 一輩子無法懷孕 。所有混蛋只要跟任何在 ' 大學唸獸醫系的朋友 ' 拿這個藥即可遂其犯行。

它 是如此地 容易取得,而 Progesterex即將在各個校園裡 出來。不管妳相不相信這個警告,甚至在 網路上都 還有人教導別人 如何使用它 。譯註: *請轉寄這個警告給任何妳 (你 ) 認識的人,尤其是年輕又天真的女孩 們。

*馬來西亞 很可能不久就有歹徒會使用此種藥品 犯罪,請各位女士朋友們, 多加提防。

Wo de Lao tian ye...AkA: OMG

Just about one good hour ago, I just discovered that I have 2 assignment due very very soon!!!

25 NOV for HRM and 28 NOV for EPGE..OH MY GOD!!

So stressed up already, I discovered this while i was happily watching crunchyroll's drama and I thought i will just check my mails to see if there's any interesting emails.and I saw .....BLAHHHH

Just finished my Japanese test yesterday and I thought I've done pretty well, will probably get 95% and above =)

I'm going to finish watching the movie and start mugging already!!

Jia you bah...May the strength be with me ... =(


XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX Department is soo bloody inefficient!! HatE THEM to the core!!
Always go one big round, all the copying and pasting of statistical stuff/evidences??
Cant they just tell me to raise form for who and who?

SO damn idiotic!! Always refusing to answer calls..YUCKS!!!!

And that made my job sooo difficult!! STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



MyTextbooks and study guides for first 2 modules only.
Damn bloody heavy..imagine that I had to carry all the way from Kaplan to MRT to Bus to my Home..I nearly went crazy.
This bag here weighs close to a 10kg of rice. School ended at the time where people were queuing, calling taxis and road congestion because of stupid road repairs?!! I guess it's fate have to carry the stupid bag all the way home by public transport...poor me =(

To make myself a little bit happier..I decided to go shopping for my favourites! Reached town early for my Jap Class today..went to buy my ever favourite Nori (Seaweed).
I couldn't resist not buying the Cookies when I saw Love potions - CHOCOLATE MUD?!?! and the usual double Chocolates and CHOCOLATE OVERLOAD!!!! shiok even I have not started eating..they are now in my mercy.!!
Great source of motivation!! So much for the Ahprodisicas feel happy even before savouring them! =)

Till then..

Work + School = ?

Today is a long long day..

Work as usual, but orientation in the evening from 630-10pm!

I will survive!!

Jian fei Jia You!! =)

What is thy Love

The blue sky can tumble down upon us
And the earth can also collapse
It doesn’t matter, if you love me
I don’t care about the entire world
As long as love floods my mornings
As long as my body trembles beneath your hand
These problems don’t matter
My love, since you love me

I would go to the end of the earth
I would dye my hair blonde
I would go take down the moon
I would go steal a fortune
If you asked it of me

I would disown my country
I would disown my friends
If you asked it of me
People can have a good laugh at me
I would do anything
If you asked it of me

If one day life tears you from me
If you die that you be far from me
It doesn’t matter, if you love me
Because, me, I will die also

We will have eternity for ourselves
In the great blue immensity
In the sky, no more problems
My love, do you believe we love each other
God reunites those who love each other

**Copied from Sharon Au's blog** Translated from La Vie en Rose.
Makes me soo much want to learn french. So romantic! Couldn't resist to not post this up too!

French version:
Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s’effondrer,
Et la terre peut bien s’écrouler,
Peu m’importe si tu m’aimes,
Je me fous du monde entier.
Tant qu’ l’amour innondera mes matins,
Tant qu’mon corps frémira sous tes mains,
Peu m’importent les problèmes,
Mon amour, puisque tu m’aimes.
J’irais jusqu’au bout du monde,
Je me ferais teindre en blonde,
Si tu me le demandais.
J’irais décrocher la lune,
J’irais voler la fortune,
Si tu me le demandais.
Je renierais ma patrie,
Je renierais mes amis,
Si tu me le demandais.
On peut bien rire de moi,
Je ferais n’importe quoi,
Si tu me le demandais.
Si un jour, la vie t’arrache à moi,
Si tu meurs, que tu sois loin de moi,
Peu m’importe si tu m’aimes,
Car moi je mourrais aussi.
Nous aurons pour nous l’éternité,
Dans le bleu de toute l’immensité,
Dans le ciel, plus de problème,
Mon amour, crois-tu qu’on s’aime?
Dieu réunit ceux qui s’aiment.

Someday, I will be able to understand that too!

Vous parlez francis?


Today was an exciting day at work.

My hotel was overbooked by.....26 rooms???

After minusing off the 'no-shows' and preblock..phEw!! Luckily my job is just to help call contacts given by the managements to ask and secure rooms..I really admire those front-liners who are forced to chase away their guests while getting scolded for no fault of theirs..

In the end we got to 'walk' about 16 guests - meaning chauffering them to another hotel when they arrive happily to check into their rooms.

It was hectic, all of us were calling, sending emails here and there just to secure rooms from our friendly neighbouring hotels. Most of the hotels in Singapore were fully booked, that includes even service apartments and hotel 81!!

Today, is the day when I finally realised that having contacts in the hotel industry really works! And your contacts must be those who have the SAY...and this is also when you see the ugly side of their faces when skyhigh room rates were quoted for a normal normal room, location so-so only...yuckS!! THAT really turns me off..spoke to one of their SENIOR SALES MGR (of a hotel not worth mentioning)..erm..he sounded like a very lousy salesman or rather..with very broken english..that was super unconvincing lor..he sounded super kan-chiong when i called to cancel all his rooms...hohoho.shiok!@ *Evil Me**

Our side became like a stock market, how many rooms to take, what's the price, what's the count...haha, so exciting!! GM, dOS, DOr kept calling their counterparts and then call us FOM was holding and talking on 2 phones plus emailing at the same poweR! Her phones were ringing like mad..poor me..

Tired..Kudos to all FO peeps working this was crazy crazy crazy for DMs especially. Really admire them for being so calm always and steady po pi pi.. =)

CheerS..counting down to my course commencement....7days exactly~
Jap test coming..3 Nov~



I've been soo easily tired, thirsty and very busy lately!!!

How I wish I'm now sleeping at home with air-con full blast as I snuggle against my thick cotton blanket..I wish..



Quick! Don't put us in suspense anymore!!

Still waiting.....

Teambuilding tml..God Bless me!

I love Durian Mooncakes!!!

WHat Again?

I just saw the email from Kaplan, application granted. But somehow I felt like a big boulder thundering down onto me the moment I saw the mail..not excitment. It doesn't seems right for me to pursue my studies now..stresss is starting to build up. ***Jia You!!***
But learning Japanese is fun! Will be attending the second lesson on this saturday! They really teach very fast and efficiently..quite cool!

I took one day leave to keep fatty company coz it was his birthday and I came back with loads and loads of follow up to do..soBBs

Finally watch Music & was great!! Ratatouille too! Tata..back to boring work

Si Wan Tao - Malaysia

Over the weekend, I went to Si Wan island pretty near Pulau Ubin and she belongs to part of our neighbouring country - Malaysia..I suppose so because we have to pay ringgits there.

Journey there from Changi Ferry Terminal was 1hour on the ferry (very old fishing boat type) and then another 15mins on cab from the other terminal to the heart of the island. That is where all the seafood eateries, bakeries, and the old-school convenience stores.

Errmm..a group of us..5 adults and 2 kids, ate those typical seafood dishes and spent around $150+ Okay bah, but it seems that the food there are not really to my liking.

Den we wandered around the stores, bought a couple boxes of traditional biscuits like lao po bing, tou sha bing, feng li shu and ma ti shu...shiok~ the biscuits were baked and sold on the spot, when we tasted in the shop, it was still warm and crispy..definately very comforting... =)

There there...we proceeded back to SIngapore on the long long journey, it seems shorter because all of us fell asleep except for the two kids - didi and stacy..kept playing with the machine guns..Haha. Perhaps kids are just kids, always as energetic.

That's about my short trip, and I finally ate the very famous nasi lemak at changi-end, not bad~

Looking forward *_*

I shall be stronger than yesterday!

Everything will happened as I had planned and all those bad luck please shun away~

Have finally decided and registered for KAPLAN,

Jap class commencing very soon on this weekend,

my family's financial status MUST be settled ASAP and I truly hope and pray that the government can assist us...

My life is now truly beginning...A real grown up life.

Taipei again

Famous Or-ah-jian
(Oyster Omelette) I Like!!!

Look at the number of Bikes!!

At Long Shan Si - Nice Waterfall.
One - trip train ticket@ use it to scan like our EZlink card

Looks almost similar to Singapore's

Fatty's SB nike shoes...Limited Ed..

Another pair....SB Nike

For Moi, I bought lots of clothes..from the whole-saler markets =) Cheap and bargainable~~ That's about it...I ate lots of Crispy chicken cutlet (Not from Shi Lin), eat till I'm addicted...HeE~


I've never felt more secured and safe after I've stepped my first foot on Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 1. Flying high above the skies, over the dark clouds and reading my last few chapters of HArry porter..(Yes, I brought it along..and completed it..lots of heart wrenching moments...)

Touched down around evening 6pm, wandered about Taoyuan Airport, managed to locate Express bus service to our hotel..Paradise hotel located at Xi Men Ding

So....after the long 4 hours & 40 mins flight, we boarded the bus and journeyed another 1hour.

The view outside our hotel's entrance..still under renovation!!
Hotel's Entrance

At Wu Fen Pu - Lorries, bikes and cars just drive in, even the police does so too~~
Imagine if you see a lorry like this in our Bugis street..

FOOD!!! Katsu set!

Mine Ebi Set..All set meals comes with
free flow of rice, miso soup, salad and soft drinks! Shiok -

Local eatery shops selling - U Yu Gen (Cuttlefish soup)
The noodles there are very different from our own yellow noodles..Nicer@!

Typical Taiwanese Ru Rou Fan - Braised meat rice..Nice!!!
Especially when you have it together with a hot bowl of soup during rainy days..


I watched Live Earth yesterday..

It featured Life on underground..Then I realised that to the small little insects like ants, bees or the how many millions of different lifeforms living beneath the tree is all about survival and to produce next generations..
During the period when they start maturing to next stage/adult, cruelty and lots of digusting acts of stealing others''s so yucky but very True!

A great example will the the wasps..OMG~

Just dislike them!! Fear not! It's not eating the's just injecting it's egg/lavae into the caterpiller. This enables its young to grow and feed on the caterpiller's mineral. Eventually, when the caterpiller is fully grown after 2 long years, when it hatches from the cocoon, a butterfly AND a WASP will come out of it....That's sooo Yucky!! A man-made or insect-made 'twins'.

I saw the part when the wasp attached its egg onto an autumn spider..Being a spider, although it has eight long legs, if something is being attached to your body intersection, (i.e. near the adobmen part), no matter how you struggle WILL NEVER BE DETACHED FROM YOU!!

YucKS! Thus, for the long long autumn..the spider weaves it's web and catches its food and fed on it. When the spider is feeding on its food, the lavae (caterpillar) is feeding on the spider..gradually sucking the juices/life of the poor spider..

Towards the end of the autumn season, the spider suddenly is unable to do any web at all. This was caused by the hormonal change in the spider because the lavae has been injecting some disturbing & poisonious substances into the spider when it sank it's tooth into the spider..

The Lavae..knowing that its support is soon going to be unavailable, it Sucked all of the spider's juices out until the spider falls down to die..totally dried out.
After that, the lavae then finds a good place and spins it's own cocoon using the spider's web juices...

And it grows and matures into a WASP!! I just so dislike wasps now..anything different species doesn't matter..No points added if they are sooo useful to the ecosystem! Being too dependent is one thing..but making use of others' lives & offspring..YucKS!!


Okay..I'm already 22years old!
I will become mature and self-contented.

I'm happy..for having sooo many smses to greet me happy bday~

Errm..even my Bf msg me when I was just beside him...but sound asleep even before 11pm!! How boring can I be??

Took leave on Friday..Slack at home the whole day. watching VCDs as it was raining and fatty played his game all day.. =0)

Saturday, woke up late and ate CHIGE~~ ate till we almost died of overeating..Slack slack slack...gaining weight and beehives saturated fats.

Went to bedok late evening, went over to Princess cinema..too lazy to go tampines and there was a huge Pasar malam. Bought tickets for HARRY PORTER!! Only 7 bucks for one person and it was a saturday night!!

** I finally ate RAmily Burger!! SO so nice~ Very sinful with the HUGe huge slab of Mayo and Chilli sauce...feels so shiok when i sank my teeth into the juicy but lukewarm burger~~~ Favourite!! the malay chap who cooks is very charming, so many people crowded around just to watch him cook =)***

The cinema was huge but very very empty, everything was great and value for the $$$, just that...even in the dark, we could see little things flying the light where the projector shone onto the dark areas in the cinema. GOd bless that the flying objects din' come near me..I suspect it was the crocks..

Anyway, HArry porter was great! Just that many many small details were CUt off and that it doesn't seems like a complete story if you do not read the books. And I just bought the last book~ Only Hard cover Harry porter..I shall read it very very soon~~ =) Flipped through some pages..I saw Victor Krum???!!! So Exciting!!!



Since Sat & Sun, I've been swallowing painkillers every now and then.. Especially after eating Sakae Sushi on Sat evening with cuz. My tooth starts to swell and hurt badly..Since Sat night, I've been eating like a mouse..or rather soooo-unlike me!!!

Been waking up in the middle of the night as the pain is really excruitating!! Swallow painkillers and still couldn't sleep because it's really really painful..sob sob! Only thing I could do is to lie on my bed and read my time till the morning approaches..

Today, I have finally decided to go visit the dentist again! =( The nearest one refused to answer my call, managed to leave a voicemail, 1 is available but too faR~ the one near my house is overbooked i made an appointment for tomorrow evening..Am I gonna last till then?

I'm super duper hungry now, I had very little lunch and no dinner yesterday, coz I was toooo tired..I dread eating solid food now.. HAIZZzz

CuZzie..JIA YOU BAH..I've no mood to staRt... *_*

Contact lenses

As of today, 3 July 2007
I will not wear again any expired contact lenses, be it daily disposable, monthly disposable or whatsoever.

Yesterday night, when I tried to remove my lenses after 20 hours of wearing..i can't!
The lense refused to come out. It appeared to be glued very closely with my eyeball..OMG. *That shows how hardworking I am... to be awake for soooo many hours...*

I panicked and got scared! Kept recalling of the stories I heard during my secondary school days when one of my friend's friend had his contact lenses on for more than 3 days because he attended a chalet but had forgotten his contact lenses solution. After that, on the 4th morning when he tried to remove his lenses once he reached home..he couldn't. The whole contact lenses went into his eyeballs because of the protein buildup...DEN..He went for eye surgury just to remove them...

SO FReaking scary..

Anyways..I managed to remove mine after many many drops of eye lubrication..It was hardwork...

Thank god for that..I'm going to buy new lenses after I finish my work todae!!



Met up with my secondary school friends last saturday~ Had BBQ gathering over at Paris Ris park's Fisherman..Thank you Azlina for organising.

Turnout was considered not bad since it was kinda last minute. =) =)
It's soooo nice to catch up with long lost peeps..reminiscing all the laughs and idiotic things we used to do...those stuff that seems to only happened yesterday but in actual least over for half a decade. for at least 5 long years we did not meet up. I Love my bowen sec sch mates!!

eHhh, after that the usual 4 of us went to slack at lala's place...attempted to play mahjong for a short while..but too hungry and tired..left around 2am plus. GREAT NIGht out!

I'm again faced with a BIG BIG Question in my head. Should I sign bond with my company so that they will sponser my school fees? That is a very good offer for moi as my well is soon drying up...BUT BUT BUT..Lots of Buts...

=_= ^*_*^

I wanna play mahjong~

Hospi Oei~

Took AL yesterday, decided to go to TP's culinary school for lunch with the hospi gang.

Was terribly apologies~ heE~ When I reached there, the newly renovated building looked like a real restaurant furnished with everything you could think of as compared to our small Saffron. They had one whole building to themselves, consisting of like 3 full levels! They even had a training bakery stall/kitchen. Haizz, if only my parents had decided to have me at least few years later??

But, I noticed that the class (training service staff) was too overwhelmingly BIG.
They had too many staff standing by the side stations, and practically just standing throughtout the operation, what a way to experience serving customer huH?

The food there totally sucks..BIG time! Wasted my $$$$$$$. Well, we can;t expect much from the students...but~ as compared to our year's standard..still a long long way to go. =) I know I shouldn't comment so negatively as it is no good senior's example...but~~ I'm being very honest here! @_@

Apart from the *Pukes* food, great company makes up for the *pukES*, pardon moi.
Was shocked when I saw soooooooooo many ppl actually turned out for the luncheon~ Had lots of catch-ups here n there.

Went to IB again to pArtyworld!! Had loads of fun with them~ especially the duet compeitition~ SO COOL~ the saying goes, there's never a feast that never ends. We MUST always catch up again!!

Thanks TSL for organising..haha. For a moment I was so happy coz I thought tonight there's another gathering at Mr Neo's place...den suddenly it was cancelled. HaH! Appreciate the effort!! =)

NDP reminds me of a song. My motivators will know this~ Very very meaningful!

Friends will make you happy
Bring sunshine to my life
A life of hope you always are
Standing by me near and far

Lending me your shoulders
When I need you bad
You're part of my life
And forever in my heart..

=) Back to beezing

Fruitful daY!

After my 1st MC last friday, days were spent in a rather dreamy state as I had slight fever and zero appetite to eat.

Until the start of this week, lots of things came to me in a sudden rush. Had lots of follow ups, email to reply and lots of correspondings to do.

My working hours seems to fly ahead of me, before I knew's already lunchtime. and before I knew's almost time to go home.

BAHHh..I like it this way. Time really really 'flies' while you are busy.

Yesterday, I went to Nokia care centre at suntec during my working hours To service a walkie talkie.

It was then I know how very efficient they are. I damn long..I reached the place only 5 minutes after it opened, kinda lost my way there..hee~

Den, I saw this long queue of ppl....they are queuing so that two of the girls at the information desk can press a queue number for us!!! So irritating these ppl work~
HAted it~!! REally a waste of time lor, just sit down and wait!

HAiz, dun wanna keep thinking about bad irritating ppl!! Can relate at least 2 whole hours of the stupid incidents that happened. all in all..the service sucks! hate to go there!

Besides that...I had a very fruitful and smooth week.

I'm on leave tml~ Going back to TP for luncheon with the poly gang. Looking very much forward to meeting them, but also wondering if the food is....alright?

Thank god, I don't have to remove my tooth, it's only the gums that is infected. It was until my dentist visit that I know that bottom wisdom tooth is situated right on top of a dental blood vessel. And that if the tooth is well and not-yet decayed, should a dentist attempt to remove it would cause the vessel to burst and patient can die from bleeding.

So never ever attempt to remove a wisdom tooth without considering all the factors. Lots of dentists would encourage removal because they can earn a few hundred bucks just by pulling the tooth out...true story.

=) Awaiting to watch my jap hotelier...


I am having a bloody toothache~!!! Going to die liao..cant concentrate at all!!!


Why does time always craw when I wish that my hours will finish fast!
Why does pain comes only after I thought I could finally breathe properly and happily.
Why is my tooth aching soo badly and I can only visit that dentist on SaTURDAY NOON????

OMG~~ How am I going to last till then? I have more than 36hours to countdown!! It is so unbearable!! I think i'm going to pass out due to the pain!! HELP!!!!

Lazy Days

Friday, we had a little gathering for my BUDDY aKA Shifu from my previous department.
She has been working in the hotel for more than a decade! One of the history-maker who will be always respected in the deepest corner of our hearts. GOD BLESS U NORLELA!!! Must work hard and play hard in your new work place..remember to keep in touch!! Wondering if you will ever read my blog.. =) Looking forward to our makan trips!!

Haiz, it's been raining on and off non-stop this two days.
Love the cold chilling air...and perhaps it's a sign that I shouldn't go jogging..

Looking forward to my Holiday in August! Stupid me actually raised the wrong dates for's been a busy week for me but I'm enjoying the fast paces..Cool~

Went for a hair change yesterday..looks almost the same, just that I feel lighter and neater! Happy..lost 1kg? Izzit due to the water loss? or hair loss? Haha..

HMmmm...Been getting a sudden inflood of visitors lately?? Wondering where these peeps come from apart from my dear FOs? WEIRD??


My idOL!

*AheM* *Ahem*
May I annouce..
As of Today 12 June 2007, TuesdaY,
I am commencing my SLIMMING PLAN~~
Duration: ard 2 weeks
Target: tO LOSE at least 2KG!!


1. ABSOLUTELY NO JunkieS~~! Chips, sweets, maggi noodles, unnecessary meals when not hungrY!!!..NOT EVEN SOUP!!

2. NO SUpPER AT ALL>...MaYbe just one little bit of available FRUITS or CEREALS!!!

3. GO JOGGIng...Errm..maybe at least once a week. As Long as I do some exercises!~~


5. EAT HEALTHY~~ BMV = Balance, Moderation, Variety...(HAHaha..TRY MY BEST)


HeE~~ Hopefully I can slim down before Taiwan trip in August.. so I can buy lots lots of clothes.







Same old brand new.

Just changed my blogskin. Removed away the rainbows.
I've been watching Heroes for the whole day!
Glued to the LCD for hours, that's what I normally do at work, and at home.
Sounds so yucky!

I'm sooo lazy!! Promised my cuz to go out shopping but I ended up sleeping the whole afternoon as I woke up 8am in the morning~

So guilty. Nowadays, because of my current position, i'm supposed to 'chase' departments to submit to me their work so as to be able to answer to my boss.
So..I told one particular department to give me their completed training schedule ASAP. And because their manager just left recently and that the most 'senior' staff was away for reservist, i only told the remaining staff to do whatever they can and to submit to me asap.

But little did i know the most 'senior' staff actually came back to the hotel after his reservist..met him in the lift when it is close to 5++pm. I was soooooooooo damn shockED!! He actually came back all the way to the hotel to do the training schedule for me..OMG!!

At the moment, I really felt like a sinner..A horrible irritating person. I honestly know how it feels like to come back to work even though you aren't supposed to be at work. ArgHHh..the responsibility was all his because he's the most senior..SO DAMN GUILTY!! Will attempt to treat them nicer abit...

But again, nobody is perfect~ So..what i can do now is learn from mistakes. be more tactful when talking..maybe i really sounded harsh to them, but i really doubt it lor.

YUCKS! I must go out tml~~ FAtty boom's Off/maybe working..

Thank you!

Thank god for the blessing!

IFH REcieved our registration letter and the voucher!!

I will be very careful in future!! TO always register all impt documents to be mailed!

Thanks thanks for the support!!

It's a good day..

Although I thot it actually felt like a Public Holiday when I was on my way to work~

Buses and Trains so unnaturally not crowded~~ I Like~

It's a really good day..

Now I can eat and S~~~ as per normal..haha.worried to death!!

Feeling abit dizzy still, perhaps sang too high-pitched yesterday at Kbox!



Suddenly, I feel like a grown up. After having started work for sooo long..around 2 years. Many a times, I do wish and pray that I could bend time like HIRO Nakamura..a character from Heroes..that I can go back to the past.

But i really miss using Mirc..using ICQ~ and my whole group of pals who were together growing up with me. Playing DDR? Wearing Baggy jeans and going out like a group of gangsters..haha

I miss studying..slacking. and doing things as and when i like to. Can play truant when i feel like it.

Ehh, Now i start to feel stress in my current position.

My boss msg mi last evening, she was at ARDE dinner with NC and RM.

As there will be a mystery shopping competition organised by ARDE, I was given

the 'big' task to ensure that my hotel is registered for the competition before the

Lots of procedures and paperwork to just get a complimentary gift voucher prepared! Lots of time wasted just to get approval from the EXCOM! and to think i still got to print the whole voucher myself and to get approval again! Before sending out.

I mailed the voucher together the registration form on TUESDAY!! and it's to the ARDE in Singapore. GOD BLESS They really did recieve my mail. If not..the whole responsibility is mine..

ARGhHhhh..GOD bless that ARDE will have already recieved my mail when i call them on MONDAY!



It's been a fruitful long daY!

Haven really got time to slack since I started work this week.

Thanks to all those who were always there to help when I needed!

I've got no issues with my own department..they're like families to moi~ Since I am always seeing them day in and out.

But..i've been liasing with Secretaries frm other department..OH MY..That really kills mi!

Especially when u're facing those who've been in their position since years ago.

It's okay..I'll survive!

It's really until lately I then realise..that how come people have the mindset that secretaries are just vases. To sit there and be pretty. Doing NOTHING. or BimbotiC things.


So tired.... gonna crash soon.~

Labour Day..

I'm off again..

It's Labour Day..

And I don't feel like going out..

Hates to be in a crowd recently.

But i've got no reads with moi.

Shall force someone to company to library soon.

I've got a plan coming up..Hopes nothing evil will spoil it.


Last day..

It's my last day in BC conrad todae.

I'm working afternoon, quiet saturday though.

Came early to pack up my stuff in my locker..

Realised suddenly that I actually have lots of stuff in there..

My little tiny In-tray seems to have quite impt things too..

Couldn't bear to throw them away..

Suddenly I think I'm contented with the tiny little back-office we have.

I will absolutely miss the times when we snacked and gossiped inside when the old german will appear out of nowhere and scare us to death..


It's a new day It's a new dawn It's a new light...And I'm feeling gooddd.

Monday is the day where i start anew. Am half looking forward & half dreading it.

But honestly, I'm happy with the offer given.

After I've submitted the resignation letter..

I was stressed up. Nothing I saw in the classified or jobsdb was interesting enough to catch my attention.

I was offered a sales (rooms) coordinator and a reservation agent.

Days new job!~

=P Hopefully my choice is the correct one.

I shall strive to become better.

I hope..

Thank god for his blessings..

Todae is my last come no farewell party. HeE~

Harry's DA

Hmm...what does DA means to you?

I got my Laptop YesterdaY~ Weee...looks very cool! Hopefully my bro takes very good care of it. We're sharing it for proper use! *Strictly for work and studies* Well i guess a little of blogging here and there is fine as long as he doesn't install funny games inside HUH!! =P
Gaming only can be done on DESKTOP Hor..

Been slacking at home the past 3 days~ Wanted to go shopping for suits but was down with slight fever and headache and cough and blocked nose and drowsiness. SICK sick to be down with illnesses on my precious offdays.

Polished off 1 & 1/2 books, feeling very good to be reading non-stop. *Imagining my culture levels going up the scales* hEe~
1st book: Tonix Bachelors
2nd booK: Harry Porter's year 5

I love to work on sunday's morning, where there are absolutely no traffic and crowds on the way to work. BUTs..

I forgot that my ezlink card was in my another pouch..

Board the bus trying to scan my ezlink card's sound? WeirD?

Searched my whole bag..but found nothing!

Wanted to pay the busfare by coins...opened my wallet, NOT Even a single coin! Only one 10 dollar bill.

So shamely, I told the driver the truth. Luckily he IS one kind soul! Bless him! He said nevermind.

I took a seat shamelessly and continued digging my bag. Found a few coins scattered here and there. =)

Reach MrT. Went to the machine to purchase a card. Saw the map, only requires $1.50 to travel to city hall.

Was so so happy. But when i actually press on the machine, it prompted me for $2.50! DamN! $1 for deposit!

I only had $2.30.....short of bloody 20cents.

In the end I went to nearby ATM and withdrew $$$..took cab to work instead! Realised how silly I was!!!


Okay...will officially be transfered to FO on 30 april 2007. Secretary to FOM. Hopes & Prays that I can work with her and her 'friends' in peace.

God Bless...


Was NOT SO Good Friday a Public hOliday Yesterday..finished at 10pm..
Had ZERO gst...duno why can't we just close-shop.So boring!!
Basically was surfing and reading blog..
Slept very early..around 2am.

Todae on morning shift.woke up at 530am feeling like shit
So sleepy~~ Hmm..happened to chance upon few nice blogs.
how i wish I can still be sleeping right now at this moment. I feel like a walking dead.
*_* too lazy to put on makeup.. HeE~

Very True!

Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people’s feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Homely person. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people’s mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive.Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves sports, leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.

Waraku with the waraku people~

UMESHU on the RockS
Love the GLASS, stirrer abit 'off'
Ebi-tenmaki, Beansprouts with Buta....NICE!!
Tonpei Yaki & Ika Tempura (YUCKS)

SuKi tEO (Lao Niang) & YuM YuM (Yen)

Both who never fails to take good care of me..Love them LoaDS!!!

LotS of FOoD!!


1st. Slice the topshells into thin slices..
Pour away some topshell gravy if it's alot.
Chilli Padi Slices! Removing seeds.

Lots of chillies~ Beware of the spicy juices that 'bites' into your flesh!

Very painful!!

Lots of seeds from the devils!! Boom says they are bad for us!

Throw all away!!

Slice 1 no. of Shallots
Squeeze lots of lime juiceS!

Mixed all the ingredients and Chill it in refrigerator.

Feast it the way you like best. With some vegs will be the besT!


A Simple fare for 2 person. CRAYFISHES!! YUMMY YUM!!

Enoki and Kimuchi is a MUST!

First dump in the cabbages' stems so as to make the soup tastier.

of cOz, put crayfishes' heads to boil in it. Extra Sweetness.

When it's all ready..Slurp them all with all your might!

Goes extremely well with freshly cooked rice or even vermicelli into the steamboat.

Add an egg and more chili padi for the extra ZESt.. SHIOK!! hEeHee


Fatty is fetching me from workplace~~Coz his boss is overseas~
So we can use the car..HohOHO!

So HAppY~~~

Drove out in the night for a sumptous supper~


Absolutely LOVED It..Hohoho...HAppY!

Drove all the way back home from there...1st time on a expresswaY...

Was High-beemed and tailgated by a stupid TAXI! =P


Somewhere over the rainbOw..

Are Illusions.

Rainbows have nothing to hidE..


Thanks for all the blessings.

I passed my 1st driving test officially on 19 March 2007.

So happy!!! I won't forget the angry look on my tester's face once I got back to ssDc.

He brought me back to the debrief room and scolded me for not checking my blindspots and wat

not..changing lanes abruptly. He was so fierce that I thought I've failed. But when I saw he

wrote 16..and ticked PASSED...Oh my...I really felt that I could finally breathe properly.

Haha..and that the scoldings doesn't matters anymore.. I've got it! HohOHo..

I'm feeling like an adult for once..Able to drive a car on my own..haha

Wait till I got the $$$ k..I shall buy a suzuki Swift or heehEEhee..

Next Target..Find a new job..or get myself registered for a part-time degree ??

Shall consider postponing my schooling stuff till Jan 08 if everything's too tied-up.

If not...shall go ahead commencing Aug 07...5 months difference..ARGhHhh....

White hair all coming up...too many things seems to come one after another.

I shall or shall not??

All in all..I'm now a licensed driver liao...HAHAHAA =P

"They put another female driver on the road...Haiz" Thanks aR!

BIg day

24hours more

The big day...*Cross my fingers*

Have decided to go SIM liaoz..

Qing duo duo bao han..

Shall cut my hair it good or bad.

Once it's over, I've got to walk over it and look forward yeah?

God bless....


Went to meet boom and company...@ BedOk Jetty!!

Boom fetched me near parkway there, and we drove to the east coast lagoon ??? hawker centre there.

Ehh..almost all the shops were closed.

Even my most favourite wanton mee stall switched off their lights at about 0025hrs!!

Damn it..the only choices were either satay or fishball noodles.

In the end we ate both.. Fishball noodles super duper nice..perhaps I was hungry..

den went to bedok jetty to FISH!!

Got one group of malay boys located at the furthest/deepest point of the jetty..

They managed to catch a hugh long's foot long...meaning longer den your foot!! haha..

So damn scary when they tried to weight it, coz you got to get a curved hook into the fish's "Beak" and it keeps struggling to get free. Finally, one of the guys poke the hook through the fish's mouth..and I heard a damn er xin bone cracking sound..

more than 5kg~~ imagine you can catch a 5kg plus fish in bedok jetty. You are really in luck!

Heard they actually caught a small shark also...but it was 'submerged' into the waters to keep it alive. Got to pull it up if I want to see it...I dun dare...scary for the fish also.

I caught a few's called Tan Ma..looks like Kunning fish..the deep-fried fishes we always see in our nasi lemak. Mine fishes weighed perhaps less than 50gm, imagine how heavy it is to pull out such big fishes... So COOL!!!

Went home ard 3plus....bath and slept at 4plus.. TIRED!!!

If you were to ask what did I feel most during fishing....

The answer is .......................Smelly............................... =(

AHHHH...Should have brought my cam along last night..

Shall take loads of pictures when i go next time...


I have a swollen right eye this moment.
The swell came 2 days ago actually....
I met boom after my work. Took bus to Yut's place to get the car.
Drove back to Boom's place to put our stuff..
Den drove back to town for a round of delicious egg ramen at Ken's.
I swear i wont order okaka onigiri there anymore!!
So much rice yet only 10 cents' worth of okaka!!

Right eye begins to hurt abit when i blink.
Watched The prestidge Pursuit of HappYness.
Very nice show...I won't forget the toilet scene..
Will Smith is a damn pro actor..
And the scene when they announced that he finally got the job..
And the scene where he quarrelled with another ah pek for the free dinner and bed at the church.
And the scene when all of them cried while listening to the sermons.
And the scenes whereby he lost and found his 'time machines'.

Definately a superb movie to watch!

My eye swelled abit when we reached home around 5am...took off my lenses and went to bed..

Woke up...with very painful right eye.
Went to waraku Katong and Parkway shopping.
Harvey norman~~ Finally I bought it...PHEW~ What a difficult decision!!

Den went home...eye still painful and getting a little more swollen.

Despite my swollen right eye, I went ahead for my driving licence.

I hesitated about going to work as I felt really tired after only 1 and 1/2 hour of driving.

I went eventually...visited the doctor..

guess wat? It's a pimple!!!???!!

Partially due to dirt and heatiness..

Good gracious me...this is the biggest pimple I've gotten in my whole life..

Minus the ulcers that i've gotten when I bit myself last few months back. But nevermind that..

EHh...the doctor also very kelong..'Partially due to heatiness.. but i'm quite sure it's the dirts in the air..motorcyclists always have this problems...'

Got mah? How come i din't know that....


Explosively soothing sadness

Walk Away - Sounds like one of my previous posts few years back. When one of my closest girlfriend was actually abused by her partner. It's really saddening to see girls struggling in and out of their relationships when the physical fighting takes place. Scary it is.


Hey girl, what is the matter you're crying your heart out again
Don't lie girl, this was not some accident, your bruises they give you away.
Your face sighs in shades of purple, your eyes a story of pain

Walk away, you're worth more than he'll ever realize, baby walk away.
Spare yourself this pain cant you see that he's not worth it?
You're not mean to be treated this way, baby walk away.

You say that you really love him, you say that he'll notice someday
But your face still sighs in the purple, your eyes tells a story of shame, walk away
You're worth more than he'll ever realize baby walk away, spare yourself this pain,
Cant you see that he's not worth it?

You've been waiting for his love for so many years well girl, you may not live to see that day. baby walk away. your not meant to be treated this way.
baby walk away. baby walk away. baby was away.

Getting sentimental..Just feel like listening this sad songs..
Words and musics are just so powerful. No picture can ever describe the strength or mood I have now. Except them..

I hear music in me
I hear music inside of me
And I cannot be slient
I hear music in me funny to read these without actually singing expressively. Read it loud, the sentences sound like a poem.

Will you remember me?


It's a long long journey
Till I know where I'm supposed to be
It's a long long journey
And I don't know if I can believe

When shadows fall and block my eyes I am lost and know that I must hide
It's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you

Many days I've spent
Drifting on through empty shores
Wondering what's my purpose
Wondering how to make me strong

I know I will falter
I know I will cry I know
you'll be standing by my side
It's a long long journey
And I need to be close to you

Sometimes it feels no one understands
I don't even know why I do the things I do
When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul
Will you break down these walls and pull me through

Cause it's a long long journey
Till I feel that I am worth the price
You paid for me on Calvary
Beneath those stormy skies

When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes
It feels like everything is out to make me lose control
Cause it's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you
To you

Taken from






I feel like buying something now.
Something that I've always wanted very much.
But there aren't much use now.
But I can put it to use if i want to.
So, do i buy it or not??

Been watching Tv recently.
Ugly Betty ----Very nice show..Very similar to 'The devil wears prada' Just that the actress is slighty XXxX.

Yin Xin (Engine) --- Very nice...Reminds me of another Japanese show. Whereby a group of orphans stayed and supported each other without any adults.

3D Angels.. Absolutely loved it!!

Furociously reading

I just came back from my 2 offdays. Was snuggling against my doggie beannie doll in my bed, while reading Harry Porter book 4. Despite it being the thickest book of all, I polished it off in 1 and a half day, minus off the many moments when I snacked and Tv-ed away. I was a pig cum bed hogger for the whole time.

Went KTv with my mum, aunt and cuzzie. Hoho..Had a good time singing out loud those almost forgotten Hokkien songs and very nice oldies. Though it was very short, I'm sure my mum definately had enjoyed herselF~ Auntie's style KTV way...heehee~

Attended yet another driving lesson, finally I asked him That question...

Me: U think I can pass anot??

Instructor: CAn lar, as long as you maintain your cool, treat it like any other practices..

Me: Sure anot...dun make me happy..

Instructor: Aiya..can lar..dun think too mucH!

Me: oh..okay.

Ehh....He sounded like very fu yan me. But whatever it is...please let me PAssS!!!

Now craving for book 5 haPPy porter...=P

Have decided to save my $20 buck of Kinokuniya voucher for Book 6 = Deathly Hallows

Biggest aim other den get my license is to.....







Hey, Why can't i just make up my mind?!~!!??

Is it gonna be business or marketing for me?? or den event planning??

Oh my god...I hate making choices!! Especially choices that will affect my future career!

I love serving it in a restaurant or my current position. It gives me a sense of

achievement when i did something really magnificent....but i'm struggling to meet end's needs...

my needs.

Make up!!! aRgH!!!!

So so sleepy now...going back in 1.5hrs~~ gonna lao yusheng with fatty's~~

I Love to lao yusheng...but i dun eat raw fish...lalalala..i dun mind raw abalone or scallops or uni

or oysters..hohoho.




Working strength and no feel!!

Feel like vomiting!! Even swallowing a small gulp of water is so difficult..

Arrgh...must be the cNY goodies...

All my fault..forcing the delicacies into my mouth.

Must be the bak kwa and pineapple tarts.

I feel so sick even looking at them now...


Since last monday, I've not been in the mood to worK!

Been tidying my room, throwing out lots of clothes!

After which followed by vigorous shoppings (WHOLE DAY + lots of see and buY~~)

My Cupboard is now half-filled with new clothes~ SO HAPPY~

Think i Spent close to $500....Opps

eHh..I bought the most expensive bag I ever own~

It is plaited on the sides...Just big enough to throw my barangs..

Very very contented with this....

So happy~~~ Eh...think my bonus gone liaozz

NvM...still can get Ang Bao~~

HohOho....just 2 days back met cuzzie and her fren to Kbox..Quite Shiok~!! But Temperature

abit too cold~

Looking forward to 4pm!! Reunion dinnEr and Pineapple tarts!!! Lalala...

Abit heart pain to have emptied my bonus so fast...

goody doody lucks~

6 Feb
Dinner & Dance in Ritz.
The ballroom was nice...looks new with a nice stage in front. However, Food and service were really unexpectedly poor.
Throughout the dinner, the whole service crew seems to be rushing us to eat!
Kept clearing plates which are still 3/4 full!
The food was not tasty as we expected. Even MacDonald's is better.
Best part was the lucky draw...HeEheE~!
I finally won something after attending sooooooo many dnd~
Buffet dinner for 2 at Roxy hotel.. HeY! Better den nothing k~??
But how i wish i could get the DigicaM!! Phew~

Felt like vomiting after the dinner. Even though I only ate the very minimum of the 5 just refused to be digested! Too salty and oily and starchy!! Perhaps it was the cheapest menu of all. Yah~!! Bonus will be 1.75 times our salary..bUt mine will be pro-rated~ not bad laH~ at least i got some extraS. heE~~

7 Feb
Went driving early in the morning after that sleepless night of indigestion. Woke up later den I'm supposed to, rushed to prepare and take bus to yck Mrt. Normally at the time, I will have to wait like 5-10mins for bus 76~! Meaning I'll waste at least 10 mins of my practice. But..Once i reached the bustop...Blink!! My bus came..and i reach the place ON TIME~~ PHEW!!

Throughout my drive along the test roads..I met like at least a dozen of very nice drivers! When i signal right, there's always buses or even van giving ways to me! SO very kind of them!! Praying so hard it also happens during my TP!

Hohoho~~ I'm wishing...It's a good year to start with~~~ CHeeriO!!

Tml's my off day..gonna buy lots of clothes =)

Love Love~~


My heart very pain...took cabby to work!!
Costed me like S$17.50!! Bloody hELLL...Heart was bleeding when i paid the driver..
Normal days I could have taken 2 trips to and fro leh..

I felt lighter...after doing a big big business early in the morning~~ ANd that costed me a big bomB!


I wanna go!!
S$250 for 5 days in banyan resort over at bintan!! SO CHEAP....i think must be booked by SAF members.
Oh...How i wish i can go also.. IF only I could gather a herd of 10 or more people...only available during Mid March..DAMN!!!

Been to Bab noodles yesterday after my shift 7am - 6pm! (11HOURS) Delicious food..HeeHEee
Fatty's treat~ after that visit the new Xsquare. Only few shops had opened...and i wish i can shop around in the KOREAN sector soon!!

eHh...I'm so so hungry now!! After the FOOD TaLK with lela...aRGh...yearning for those kind of food!!! Happened to watch some japanese food program on tV. Cooking marinated sashimi slices of the In-Season fish..on a hot heated stone!! Oh MY can either eat the fish raw..or half cooked...or fully cooked!! And i feel like eating kimuchi udon again!! Fatty cooked last night...
SO so...damn nice...chige sauce, egg, kimuchi, udon....and chilli padi~ OMG@!!!! SO hungrY!!
NvM, going home soon for a home-cooked meal!!

Ate some glutinous rice bought by my manager....DAMN NICE!!!! Got it from Suntec fountain..a shop named ah maK?? PHew....i'm such a glutton yea?

Hungry hungry hungry!!!!

BTW~~ I Painted my wall light lilac colour~ So refreshing after facing rose pink for 6 yeaRs? coats for the new year.. :P

My heart..

After re-reading my previous posts. I realised that I shouldn't have staked all my chips onto just getting the license. The higher the hope, the deeper the hurt. Like what Vidz says...perhaps I should treat the test like a normal lesson. Just run through every single detail over again without any hiccups. Phew...that sounds easy enough.

Ppl around me are going through what i'm going through...Most have already tasted the nectar, some are still striving aheaD. Haha, so many had said that they are going..but still has yet gone. I think that's life. And it applies to most little sections of our lives. Getting a full-time job, scoring a motorbike/car license, getting a car/bike....lots lots more~

Contradictions?? I'm one of the best example~I just realised that people whom I used to hang around with are so many yards and miles different from who I really mix with now. Should I say that I'm more 'toned-down', or am I just plain boring? Am I really that 'no-life' who stays at home for almost all types of countdowns/parties? or should I be one of those out there drinking and merry through the nights? Which was what I always used to do...

I'm Just so boreD!!! Where is my energY?? No fun at's draining away very slowly. yEt I have no memorable events to commerate. Just like the ArMY advertisement..I'm sure people will just dose off the moment my movie starts screening....I dun wan to be like this!!!!!! Where's my Motivation??? ArGHhh..........

hOhohO~~~Mahjong~~I'm Coming...
Gonna lost 2Kg at LEast!!!

1st circuit.

Early Morning.
I Woke Up.
Off to Driving Circuit.

It is really squeezy and small in the circuit!
Got to follow driver's instruction at all times!
Everything went so so smoothly.
Until I exit the squeezy and overly crowded circuit...
My car banged into a knee-high road divider in the middle of a road!! (OBVIOUS rite>?)
And I was so damn shocked.
The jerkings of the car were so tremendous!!
So much that I ride at 20km/hr for like 1 min...on an empty road...

So SCARY~~haha...scared my instructor to the heL_
At first he thought that i'm damn Professional.
Even can rest his legs high up like kopitiam! (PRivate onEs.)
haHAa...but i was afraid that the bump will damage the caR..compensation and all..

Tramatising though~~ imagine if there were cars behind me... :_(

Stuck in the middle..

Should i continue my studies?


Continue to work?

Please let me pass my driving once and for all!! C'mon...only this once..
Pray for me!! 19 Mar 07! Early YCK! Let me get a nice Mr. Tester..

Rain's coming

Been raining cats and dogs this two days...

Rain came visiting the whole of yesterday...

And I spent the whole of yesterday sleeping...

Read Harry Porter Book ONE~ Was super terrific.

Kept imagining the movie while reading the book...

And I spent the whole of yesterday eating....

Ate small meals here and there...

And I spent the whole of yesterday weighing myself...

Every single time after I ate my small meals...

And Every single time after my big or small Businesses...

And That was my off-day~~

That's what I call...snuggling in bed with a good book and good snacks in the cold heavy rain~



Stepped out of my house while the sky was drowning the earth..

With beef bolognise spaggetti in my bag...

Carrying a huge blue umbrella...

Travelled to BIShan to meet dardar for lunch... drenched from waist down..

my feets apparently were soaked in the sky juice when travelling to the bus-top...

AMK was flooded~~~

Ate MOS BuRGer cos other places were packed, we had limited time...(Like 20mins and less)

Came to work straight after..

Here I'm~~

Going to Joseph's wife bDay chaleT laters...

Say another gooD two hours~

I'm so so starved~~ Lalalaa...lalala..

Cuzzie says i'm very long-winded...

Haha... =P =P Shall post up more photos soon....


So KAWAII!!! Who wanna buy this for me??? =>
It's called Kittyjong..hahaha

Hello Singaporeans???

Just yesterday, met my mom after work at AMK. Had delicious japanese food at Sumo-Bento. It serves cheap and tasty bento sets...have yet to tried the noodles stuff. Reached there like few minutes before 7pm and people are already queuing. Very high table turnovers, which means like 30mins per round i estimate..the shop is earning hell lots of money!!!

After dinner, we went to the new fairprice Xtra at AMK Hub. As mentioned in the papers, it is really scaled up, up and up. Almost everything can be found there..even mahjong table @ $29.90! I desperately need one at home..but we can't possibly carry it on the bus at this peak hour...haha~ Of coz NOOOO. Really damn crowded there, discounts and curiousity i assume. So cool, i guess i wont be going town often for shopping trips. Bought a small 2.5kg Japanese rice...I'll be cooking~~ HoHO..not so soon. and mom was walking past those newly opened shops just to screens their products. Then, I saw 2 very young gers who aged less than 3-4yrs, in those hugh fairprice trolley. One was seated in the higher slot where ppl can flip and unflip the pocket to hold their valuables. The other ger was playing with bags of purchased items. The whole trolley was parked just outside a new herbal store and i guess the parents were busy shopping away.

Suddenly, the poor little ger seated at the higher pocket vomited vigorously. As in, everyone can see that she's crying, vomiting and also in a very uncomfortable position. She massively vomited like 2 times..and nobody seems to be tending to her. As crowded as it was, no passer-by seems to stop walking and take charge of this incident. I went lor.. patting the ger as she begun her third massive vomitting again..I don't know who were the parents as the herbal shop was quite packed.

After 2-3mins, the mom and grandmom finally came back, not noticing that her child had vomited. She still wants to happily push the trolley and leave the place as I was there patting her child so she thought I was playing with her. "Your child just vomited" ,I said. DEn she realised. Began to panick...HaIZ!~~I think parents should be more sensible..Crowded places, people can just take away your child like that~~ *Got lots of maMAk around..* And the purchased bags of groceries..they can just take and go....

I wish singaporeans can be more helpful too. Nobody! I repeat nobody is doing anything! What happened to the GEMS spirit? people just walked away because they think that it's too dirty and smelly standing close to the poor ger. Some just said..."AiyO!" but did nothing except walking away.. HAiz!!! Such ungracious people~!! Kiasu No.1 but when things happen...Kiasi also No.1.
I just feel so sorry for the child.

On a positive note. I realised lots of my favourite eateries are coming up in the Hub.
Taiwan street snacks --> Best crispy chicken i've tasted so far
Kaixin cai bin ---> absolutely loved it!!
Shilin Taiwan snacks --> Loved the tempura and its mee sua~
