WHat Again?

I just saw the email from Kaplan, application granted. But somehow I felt like a big boulder thundering down onto me the moment I saw the mail..not excitment. It doesn't seems right for me to pursue my studies now..stresss is starting to build up. ***Jia You!!***
But learning Japanese is fun! Will be attending the second lesson on this saturday! They really teach very fast and efficiently..quite cool!

I took one day leave to keep fatty company coz it was his birthday and I came back with loads and loads of follow up to do..soBBs

Finally watch Music & Lyrics..it was great!! Ratatouille too! Tata..back to boring work


ah fun said...

orhhh!! anne u blog at work!!! how could u! even tho i used to do that too! but not anymore... im a changed person now... :P

Anonymous said...

HeE~~ It's just a short 2-3mins of "break" from my work...haha..dun say so obvious leh!