
Today was an exciting day at work.

My hotel was overbooked by.....26 rooms???

After minusing off the 'no-shows' and preblock..phEw!! Luckily my job is just to help call contacts given by the managements to ask and secure rooms..I really admire those front-liners who are forced to chase away their guests while getting scolded for no fault of theirs..

In the end we got to 'walk' about 16 guests - meaning chauffering them to another hotel when they arrive happily to check into their rooms.

It was hectic, all of us were calling, sending emails here and there just to secure rooms from our friendly neighbouring hotels. Most of the hotels in Singapore were fully booked, that includes even service apartments and hotel 81!!

Today, is the day when I finally realised that having contacts in the hotel industry really works! And your contacts must be those who have the SAY...and this is also when you see the ugly side of their faces when skyhigh room rates were quoted for a normal normal room, location so-so only...yuckS!! THAT really turns me off..spoke to one of their SENIOR SALES MGR (of a hotel not worth mentioning)..erm..he sounded like a very lousy salesman or rather..with very broken english..that was super unconvincing lor..he sounded super kan-chiong when i called to cancel all his rooms...hohoho.shiok!@ *Evil Me**

Our side became like a stock market, how many rooms to take, what's the price, what's the count...haha, so exciting!! GM, dOS, DOr kept calling their counterparts and then call us again..my FOM was holding and talking on 2 phones plus emailing at the same time..so poweR! Her phones were ringing like mad..poor me..

Tired..Kudos to all FO peeps working this week..it was crazy crazy crazy for DMs especially. Really admire them for being so calm always and steady po pi pi.. =)

CheerS..counting down to my course commencement....7days exactly~
Jap test coming..3 Nov~


1 comment:

Helmi said...

I can imagine the panic just by reading this post of yours, hehe.