
Suddenly, I feel like a grown up. After having started work for sooo long..around 2 years. Many a times, I do wish and pray that I could bend time like HIRO Nakamura..a character from Heroes..that I can go back to the past.

But i really miss using Mirc..using ICQ~ and my whole group of pals who were together growing up with me. Playing DDR? Wearing Baggy jeans and going out like a group of gangsters..haha

I miss studying..slacking. and doing things as and when i like to. Can play truant when i feel like it.

Ehh, Now i start to feel stress in my current position.

My boss msg mi last evening, she was at ARDE dinner with NC and RM.

As there will be a mystery shopping competition organised by ARDE, I was given

the 'big' task to ensure that my hotel is registered for the competition before the

Lots of procedures and paperwork to just get a complimentary gift voucher prepared! Lots of time wasted just to get approval from the EXCOM! and to think i still got to print the whole voucher myself and to get approval again! Before sending out.

I mailed the voucher together the registration form on TUESDAY!! and it's to the ARDE in Singapore. GOD BLESS They really did recieve my mail. If not..the whole responsibility is mine..

ARGhHhhh..GOD bless that ARDE will have already recieved my mail when i call them on MONDAY!


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